Tracy Affleck
Tracy is an Artist/Photographer living near Maidstone, Kent.
Her creative practice is focused on the mysticism surrounding the photographic object and its underlying ‘aura’. She works primarily with analogue film processes, camera-less photography and archival images which she sources from auctions, car boot sales, flea markets and vintage shops. She will often buy items from Ebay which is her primary source for the ‘Object Trouvé’ or found object. The Surrealist Movement believed that the found object had the power to tap into the unconscious mind and she often uses this approach as a starting point of enquiry.
Her work is fundamentally experimental, research based and relies heavily on improvisation. In essence her approach could be described as ‘cut and paste’. As well as the photographic she also uses found objects that she has collected alongside her image making and ‘drawing with light’ through refraction to create multi-layered, complex patterns and installations. Together these elements forge together to create potential portals into other worlds embedded in the narrative of science fiction.
Contact Tracy Affleck
- Website
- @tracy_affleck