2023 Degree Show Install at Grand Parade, Brighton.
‘Rain hit the tarmac’ (2023) oil and print on canvas, 117x179cm (Left) 'Or, on another occasion-‘ (2023) oil and print on canvas, 117x179cm. (right)
‘I watched it on TV- I was racing in my heart and then’ (2023) oil and print on canvas, 117x179cm. (left)
‘And we played’ (2023) oil and print on paper, 21x29cm.
‘-it’s deep ambivalences’ (2023) oil and print on paper on canvas, 28x30cm.
‘I watched it on TV- I was racing in my heart and then’ (2023) oil and print on canvas, 117x179cm. (close up)
'Or, on another occasion-‘ (2023) oil and print on canvas, 117x179cm. (close up)
‘And how you fill in the latter, a bit nearer the time.’ (2023) mixed media on paper, 29.7x21cm. (left). ‘Call the service desk’ (2023) oil and print on card, 21x29cm. (right).