Ella McCall
My final year project ‘HYSTERIA’ is based around how women’s mental health has been portrayed in media throughout history, and how that has developed into a nihilistic sense of dissociation from the ideals of fourth wave feminism, seemingly in an attempt to take back control over the ‘hysteric’ woman narrative.
Elana Dykewomon wrote in ‘Sinister Wisdom 36’ “almost every woman I have ever met has a secret belief that she is just on the edge of madness”-through my project I wanted to further investigate this idea and understand why that might be in the first place whilst developing a piece of work that explores the nature of Women’s psyches and hopefully creates a space of open communication on mental illness and it’s effects.
Contact Ella McCall
- tulipinacup2000@outlook.com
- Website
- https://tulipinacup.wixsite.com/ellamccall?fbclid=PAAaa6he2BZ8ciKt_nO1NvLCxLNCOa77PwZfdj4WkaMFEQ26JVjBa9hEhgTRc
- http://linkedin.com/in/ella-mccall-2bb755106
- @Tulipinacup__