Elizabeth Harrison
‘The Language of the River Thames’ is a boxed collection of photographic and written objects collated from locational research of the River Thames. The box is the physical vessel that imitates tidal movements as the viewer becomes the water sorting through the objects. In returning to the Thames again and again, a study formed which explored the language imposed onto a place and its effect on creative practitioners. This study involved consideration of the impact of the narrative that has historically been placed onto the Thames and the resulting forms of graphic design influenced by the river as a place. The box includes photographic postcards, text pieces, embossed and letterpress prints, and an interview with a mudlarker. There is also a set of three books; a personal essay investigating the impact of the Thames further, journals by the co-founder of the Doves Type and his ritualistic decision to throw his letterpress type into the Thames, and extracts from Peter Ackroyd’s ‘Thames: Sacred River’. There is an intended physicality in the piece through use of analogue methods like letterpress, embossing, and a hand bound box. Each viewer will see and use the box differently, similarly to a mudlarker discovering objects in the River Thames.
Contact Elizabeth Harrison
- betsharriso@gmail.com
- @bets.harriso